
Losing Relatives to Gunfire

* A round of applause for Ann Reiss Lane’s letter about the risk of having guns in the home (Oct. 17). I am a member of Drive-By-Agony. I am now childless; my only son of 17 years, Willie Brooks, was fatally wounded by gunfire on March 15. I wholeheartedly support Mrs. Lane’s views that “guns are killing us, not protecting us.” Guns are being used for homicides in the homes, the streets and in the schools. Guns destroy lives. Guns shatter families. Our culture has been so accepting of this outlandish gunfire and violence. Each and every American is a possible target of gunfire and violence.

A standing ovation for Lane’s new organization, Women’s Coalition Against Gun Violence. Women across the nation must mobilize now! Drive-By-Agony members, Mothers Against Violence in School, Mothers Against Rising Crime, Parents of Murdered Children, Mad About Gangs and others absolutely must join forces with this coalition. Together we will send a thunderous roar across this nation that will not be silenced until the senseless gunfire stops.

National Rifle Assn., you’re being put on notice; the women of America are without blinders. The women of America will not be your next marketing target.



Los Angeles

* Have any of you ever lost a 13-year-old brother five days after Christmas to a drive-by shooting? I did. It hurts. It kills you inside. I was born and raised with guns. My father was a world-class fast draw artist. As was my uncle. My cousin is in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s fastest gun. We have yet to have a murder in our family by the so-called “someone you know” theory. We have never had an accidental discharge of a weapon. We have never had a member of our family hurt by a gun, other than my brother. It is the unknown that kills us--the criminal with a gun, who will not be affected by a ban on guns. If you want to give up your rights, don’t give up mine. If you don’t want to see an R-rated movie, don’t look. If you don’t want to own a gun, don’t. It is not law-abiding citizens who will rob and kill you; it’s the criminal, who our government can’t or won’t control.

Think about it!


Buena Park
