
Holiday Closings

Thursday is Veterans Day, honoring American soldiers. It marks the 75th anniversary of the Nov. 11, 1918, armistice that ended World War I. Some institutions will be closed in observance of the holiday:

* All county, state and federal offices. City offices will also be closed, except in Brea, Garden Grove, Irvine, Los Alamitos, Villa Park and Westminster.

* County, state and federal courthouses.

* County libraries. City libraries will also be closed, except in Newport Beach.

* Banks and some savings and loans.

* Schools in the Capistrano Unified and Irvine Unified districts will be closed. All others will be open, along with all local colleges and universities.


* Mail: No delivery.

* Trash: Regular schedule, except in Newport Beach, where Thursday’s trash will be picked up Friday and Friday’s will be picked up Saturday.

* Buses: Orange County Transportation Authority buses will run on regular schedule.
