
Residents Can Air Cable Complaints

Ojai residents will have the opportunity Wednesday night to tell their elected officials what they think about the quality of their cable television service.

The city will conduct a public hearing at 7 p.m. in the council chambers to gather input from cable subscribers about the services provided by Ventura County Cablevision.

“It’s a time for people to come and let the city and the cable company know of any problems with existing service or if there any additional services they would like to have,” City Manager Andrew Belknap said.


The ninth-year performance review is part of the city’s 15-year franchise agreement with Ventura County Cablevision, which will have representatives at the meeting to answer questions about rate hikes, new federal regulations and other issues.

As part of the franchise agreement signed in 1984, periodic performance reviews are to be conducted throughout the length of the contract, Assistant City Manager Daniel Singer said.

Another, more extensive review will be held in 1996, before negotiations begin for another franchise agreement with Ventura County Cablevision, Singer said.


In a related development, the Ojai City Council last month agreed to join a cable television consortium of Ventura County cities that would hire a consultant to advise officials about the new cable laws.

But three more agencies must agree to join before the consultant would be retained.
