
MISSION VIEJO : Racial Awareness Is Aim of Seminars

Upset by a series of racial incidents, Saddleback College officials have organized discussions and seminars to combat the problem on campus.

A forum open to students and the community will be held Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the McKinney Theatre at Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite Parkway. Officials also have scheduled three hours of discussions about racial tolerance. Participants will help develop a plan to educate Saddleback College students, faculty and workers about race relations.

The forum was scheduled after flyers containing racial slurs were placed in the mailboxes of two members of the campus’ Black Students Union who were running for homecoming king and queen in late September.


In another incident, a black student reported finding a threatening note with racial overtones on her car window.

College officials also announced that the Saddleback Community College District has contracted for a racial and cultural sensitivity program with the Orange County Human Relations Commission.
