
Nixon as Entertainment

Having never visited the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace, I was interested in reading Anne Michaud’s article (3-Hour Tour, “Nixon From the Good Side,” on Sept. 30).

I participated in considerable research on the Kent State slayings about 10 years ago (i.e. visiting Kent State, interviewing individuals present during the event--including the president of the school at the time, and reading extensively on the subject).

I believe Michaud is wrong about Nixon ordering the National Guard to deal with the student riots. It was actually the governor of the state.


This inaccuracy did not prompt me to write; it was the political slant of the article, which was in the recreation section of the Times.

When I want to read about political opinion, I will open the Opinion section. The recreation section is no place to air your political views.

So that you do not misinterpret my criticism, I have always been a Democrat and have my own very strong negative sentiments about Mr. Nixon as a personal figure.


Santa Ana
