
Freshness and Fun Prevail at Huntington Beach Farmers Market

Following your article, “Fresh Information: A Tour of Farmers Markets” (Sept. 30), Jackie P. from Buena Park sent in a letter (Oct. 14) regarding the poor standards of the Fullerton Market on Wilshire Avenue.

I feel bad for Jackie, because I took your tip and visited the market in Huntington Beach on Orange and Main and had a ball! My daughters and I spent well over an hour tasting fresh samples of huge grapes, sugarplums, sprouts, nuts and more.

I walked away with a bag of the best-tasting fresh string beans I have ever had.

The apples were big and tasty, and they even had fresh-cut flowers from a grower.

Besides the great food and good buys, the people were a delight to chat with. They were generous and friendly. I would advise Jackie to drive a few minutes in the other direction if she wants some good buys on some great produce.



