
Are Airline Frequent-Flier Plans Driving You Batty? : Deals: A just-released paperback compares the 53 programs offered by airlines, hotel and car-rental companies, and recommends strategies.


In the dozen years since America’s airlines introduced frequent-flier programs, Randy Petersen has accumulated 5 million frequent-flier miles--or the equivalent of 250 free round-trip flights anywhere in the country.

Along the way, he has become an acknowledged expert on how to use the programs to one’s best advantage to earn free tickets fast.

Petersen routinely passes along his insights into the dizzying complexities of the varying airline, hotel and car rental promotions in a monthly magazine he publishes called “InsideFlyer.” But now many of his tips have been compiled in a just-released paperback called “The Official Frequent Flyer Guidebook.” At $14.99, it may be the best and most essential resource for frequent fliers intent on maximizing their mileage totals.


As an example of one of the more basic strategies for building miles, he advises travelers to pay close attention to the minimum miles an airline awards for short flights. United offers 500 mileage points for flights under 500 miles in length, Northwest gives 750 miles for flights under 750 miles and Delta has set its award at 1,000 miles for flights under 1,000 miles. If you are booking a short flight--and you have a choice of airlines--you obviously will earn more miles by flying Delta.

So how does anyone keep track of which airline offers what? You can rummage through your desk for the informational brochure each of the airlines mailed you when you enrolled in their programs. Or you can consult Petersen’s new 368-page guide, which details 53 different frequent-flier programs currently offered by U.S. and foreign airlines, hotel chains and carrental companies. Much of the information is provided in the form of full-page charts, which makes comparing programs easy. At $14.99, the guide is a very good buy.

One of the book’s most useful charts--and one I have seen nowhere else--is a series of calendar pages listing the specific blackout dates on which the airlines restrict the use of free frequent-flier tickets. One quick glance at the chart reveals that on most of the carriers, travelers will have a much better chance of booking a free flight in October or May than in December or early January. It is something to consider when planning a trip using mileage points. Petersen calls blackouts the “nightmare” of airline mileage programs.


Petersen says he is a member of all 53 programs listed in his book, and he tries to earn mileage points in each as a way of keeping up to date for his magazine. But he advises other travelers to fly on just one or two airlines as the fastest way to build miles. If the miles are scattered in several programs, you run the risk of seeing them expire before you have earned enough to qualify for a free ticket.

Since American Airlines introduced frequent-flier programs in 1981, an estimated 32 million people have joined the varying programs that have resulted, according to Petersen. The programs are an important marketing tool for the airlines, and they are likely to be continued despite the ongoing economic woes of the industry.

Nevertheless, Petersen sees significant changes ahead. Many U.S. carriers are downsizing their fleets and reducing their number of flights. This means fewer available seats. But at the same time, airlines also are making it easier to earn mileage points--for example, by offering mileage-earning credit cards. With each dollar you charge, you are credited with one mileage point. Ultimately, this means more people will be trying to book free flights.


The result could be a “traffic jam” in the next two or three years, predicts Petersen, when too many travelers seeking free tickets compete for too few seats. He expects airlines to begin offering alternatives to free travel, such as merchandise or complimentary stays at a resort or spa.

An earlier edition of Petersen’s guide was published in 1990, and the biggest change in the programs that he has seen between the first and second editions is what he calls “globalization”--the expansion of frequent-flier programs to most major airlines around the world.

The other big change is the increase in special benefits that airlines offer their most-frequent travelers. For example, members of United’s Mileage Plus program who fly 25,000 miles in one year are given “premier” status. This means that even though they may be flying on a discounted fare, they can check in at first-class counters and board with first-class passengers.

Petersen plays no favorites with the airlines, he says, but by comparing their frequent-flier programs--readily done using the charts in his guide--he has concluded that Northwest offers the best overall program. On average, travelers can book a free ticket to the carrier’s worldwide destinations for “the lowest number of miles.” He regards Continental’s program as a very close second.

“The Official Frequent Flyer Guidebook” is available by phone order from (800) 487-8893 for $14.99 (add $3 for shipping and handling) or by special order from bookstores.
