
SANTA ANA : Deadline Monday for Council Applications

People interested in serving the remainder of Richards L. Norton’s term on the City Council must submit applications no later than Monday, City Clerk Janice C. Guy said.

Norton cited health reasons for resigning his seat on Oct. 18. He represented Ward 6, which stretches along the city’s west side from about 5th Street to Sunflower Avenue. His term expires in November, 1994, Guy said.

The council must either appoint a person to fill the position before Nov. 18 or call a special election. A special election would cost the city between $90,000 and $140,000, Guy said.


Applications are available at the city clerk’s office, eighth floor, 20 Civic Center Plaza. Applicants must be registered voters who have lived within Ward 6 boundaries for at least one year, she said.

The council will interview candidates Nov. 15 beginning at 3 p.m. Candidates should prepare a five- to seven-minute presentation describing why they should be chosen for the seat, Guy said.

So far, five people have returned applications, including former council members Patricia A. McGuigan and P. Lee Johnson, Guy said.


For more information, call the city clerk’s office at (714) 647-6520..
