
America’s World Role: Divided We Stand : Sending Troops Abroad

“However leery of promoting principles abroad, the Influentials were clearly prepared to send American fighting men to honor long-standing U.S. commitments and protect vital interests. By margins of about two-thirds or more, they would support the use of American forces to defend Saudi Arabia against Iraq, South Korea against North Korea, and Israel against Arab neighbors ... Compared to the Influentials, the public appeared willing to go to war for almost nobody.”

Q. Would you approve or disapprove of the use of U.S. forces in the following situations?

(Percent answering “yes”:)

Mexican govt. Threatened by North Korea Iraq invades Revolution or invades Arabs invade Saudi Arabia Civil War South Korea Israel Group News Media 74 10 69 67 Business/ Finance 87 38 72 63 Cultural 58 28 43 55 Foreign Affairs 93 23 86 76 Defense/ Security 92 25 92 66 State, Local Government 73 36 65 69 Think Tanks/ Academics 83 18 77 70 Religion 55 21 49 53 Science/ Engineers 69 18 68 55 Public 53 41 31 45
