
America’s World Role: Divided We Stand : Dissatisfaction With U.S. and World

”... Two-thirds of (Influentials) are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States today... Similarly, two-thirds of Influentials are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the world today... The greater public dissatisfaction with the way things are going in the United States than with events in the world... suggests a deep pessimism among Americans about their country today.”*

Q. All in all, would you say that you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States these days? ... With the way things are going in the world these days?

(Numbers indicate percent dissatisfied)

News Media United States: 75% The World: 70%

Business/Finance United States: 79% The World: 58%

Cultural United States: 65% The World: 80%

Foreign Affairs United States: 69% The World: 67%

Defense/Security United States: 65% The World: 73%

State, Local Government United States: 68% The World: 66%

Think Tank/Academy United States: 62% The World: 53%

Religion United States: 59% The World: 74%

Science/Engineers United States: 61% The World: 56%

Public** United States: 73% The World: 81%

* Text reflects results of September poll, when public was more dissatisfied with the U.S. (75%) than the world (66%).


** Public response from October poll.
