
Schillo’s Style of Governing

* Well, Thousand Oaks Councilman Frank Schillo makes another astounding statement for the record. This time the victims are the citizens of Newbury Park.

In an Oct. 15 story on the development of open space on Broome Ranch, Schillo threatened, “Either we raise taxes or we find another way to pay for open space.” Translation: Either see it my way or I’ll raise your taxes.

Councilman Schillo must be the only person living in California who doesn’t know about Prop. 13--which prohibits property taxes from being raised by any government. Bottom line here isthat no city councilman or city council has the authority to raise any tax. Only the state legislature has that authority.


So why did he make such a statement? Perhaps just another clear example of his favorite method of governing--lying to citizens, manipulating numbers, bullying anyone with a different opinion.

Madge Shaefer

Thousand Oaks
