
SIMI VALLEY : Event to Showcase County’s Services

East Ventura County residents will get the chance to meet everyone from the tax assessor to the tax collector Saturday at an ‘Open House to Showcase County Services,” Ventura County Supervisor Vicky Howard said.

Representatives will be available from most county government agencies, including the Air Pollution Control District, Alcohol and Drugs, Environmental Health, Solid Waste Management, the public defender’s office, Court Services and the Public Social Services Agency.

“It hit me when I was running for office 2 1/2 years ago that few people knew what county services were about,” Howard said. “So we came up with this idea of trying to familiarize people with their government.”


Among those participating at the Simi Valley event will be Assessor Glen Gray, who will explain how property is assessed and how property owners can appeal those assessments. County Auditor Tom Mahan will discuss the county’s budget and Treasurer and Tax Collector Hal Pittman will answer questions about property tax bills.

Howard said the Fire Department also will demonstrate how it rescues people trapped in cars, the Sheriff’s Department will show off its search and rescue operations, and the Animal Control Department will teach kids how to identify poisonous snakes.

“The day is for everyone,” Howard said. “It’s like a three-ring circus. The children will love the shows and they’ll be learning valuable information.”


The open house will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the East County Courthouse at 3855-F Alamo St., Simi Valley.
