
Arab Boycott of Israel

* We applaud your Oct. 19 editorial for calling to an end of the Arab boycott of Israel. However, several inaccuracies and misconceptions need to be addressed.

The editorial implies that the boycott is being used as a bargaining chip in the peace negotiations. This may be true, but it must also be understood that historically the boycott’s purpose was to strangle Israel’s economy--another weapon in the Arab attempt to destroy Israel. Israelis continue to see the boycott in that light, and its termination is necessary to help demonstrate that Israel’s destruction is no longer on the Arab agenda.

The editorial states that the Arab League now contemplates expanding the boycott to include third-party companies that do business with Israel. In fact, this is a longstanding part of the boycott. The Arab League contemplates expanding the number of companies on the list (presently some 10,000 companies), as it did last May, when it added 13 companies. Unfortunately, it is not just the “hard-line” states of Syria, Iraq and Libya calling for the continuation of the boycott. None of the Arab states have called for its termination. Indeed, senior PLO officials have urged the continuation of the boycott. This is unacceptable behavior--incompatible with the Arab claim that they seek peace with Israel--and with their continual requests that Israel make concessions for peace.




Commission on the Middle East

Jewish Federation Council, Los Angeles
