
TECHNOLOGY : QLogic Will Offer Adapter Cards That Simplify PC Linkups

Compiled by Dean Takahashi / Times Staff Writer

In a strategic expansion into the computer retail market, Emulex Corp.’s QLogic subsidiary in Costa Mesa said Monday it is launching a line of adapter cards that simplify the linking of personal computers with peripherals such as printers and high-speed disk drives.

Emulex has sold more than 20 million SCSI--small computer systems interface or “scuzzy”--devices since 1986, mainly as a supplier of components to computer peripheral manufacturers. Now QLogic, which will be spun off from Emulex as a separate company as soon as the market is receptive and shareholders approve, will target consumers and computer retailers as well.

Scuzzy products have been scarce in the past, appearing in fewer than 10% of PC products. But Chet Brown, vice president of marketing, said scuzzy is upward bound as computers become more sophisticated, requiring many add-on devices such as CD-ROM drives, scanners, tape drives and video adapters.


“We’re targeting anyone from the small-business owner who wants a scanner in a home office to the large corporations with desktop publishing,” he said. “We’re going to be dealing with the end user.”

The scuzzy interface ties everything together neatly, allowing for faster speeds and integration. QLogic’s Fast!SCSI and Fast!SCSI IQ host adapter cards for PCs and portable computers will sell at suggested retail prices ranging from $139.95 to $359.95.

Brown said the company considered entering the retail market before but never had an appropriate product until now. It has added 20 people to market the line, bringing the division’s total work force to 166.


Brown estimated that sales of the new line could hit $20 million for fiscal 1995. Last year, the subsidiary reported total sales of $52 million. The company makes scuzzy adapter cards and chips.
