
Questions on Disaster Assistance

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions in applying for disaster assistance. The answers are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

What should I do after a disaster happens?

Contact your insurance company or agent to file a claim for the damages. You should file a claim against all your insurance policies:

* Homeowners--if your home or personal property was damaged, or if you could not live in your home.


* Vehicle--if your car, motorcycle or other vehicle was damaged.

* Medical--if you or a family member suffered injuries or had a medical device, such as eyeglasses, damaged.

* Dental--if you or a family member had a dental injury or had a dental device, such as dentures, damaged.

Is that all the assistance that is available?

Many state and federal programs also offer assistance in the form of loans and grants to help you recover from a disaster. You will need to go to a Disaster Application Center or Disaster Service Center or call (800) 462-9029 and register for assistance.


What’s available if I cannot live in my home?

Talk to your insurance agent to see if your insurance policy covers “additional living expenses.” If it does, you should receive a settlement from the insurance company.

You can also go to any of the shelters that are open for disaster victims. You can contact the American Red Cross, which may be able to help with short-term accommodations until your insurance settlement is received.

The registration that you complete at the Disaster Application Center or service center or over the telephone will be the basis for an application for the Disaster Housing Program. The program, which is administered by FEMA, will determine what type of assistance you need for housing.


What about damage to my house?

The federal and state governments have loans and grants that are available for fixing your home if you owned and occupied the residence at the time of the disaster. These programs are established in a specific order to ensure that assistance from one program does not duplicate the assistance given by another program.

You will be required to apply for a Disaster Home and Personal Property Loan. This loan program is administered by the Small Business Administration. You do not have to own a business to apply for this disaster loan. The maximum loan is $120,000 ($100,000 real estate, $20,000 personal property) and can be used to rebuild, replace or repair your residence.

You must fill out a loan application, which can be obtained from a Disaster Application Center or service center or by calling the SBA. A damage verifier will need to look at your property. Your insurance settlements will be considered in determining your loan amount.

What if I cannot afford a loan or do not want one?

The loan program will not approve a loan if you cannot afford to repay one. If it is determined that you cannot repay a loan, you will be referred to the Individual and Family Grant Program.

The grant program is administered by the state. It can provide a grant of up to $12,200 for necessary expenses and serious needs. In addition, California has a supplemental program that can add another $10,000 if your damage is that high.

The grant can be used to repair, replace or rebuild your residence. You do not need to fill out a special application for these grants. You will automatically be referred to the program if you are denied an SBA loan, or if the loan you receive is not enough to meet the serious repair needs. Your insurance settlements and your SBA loan will be considered in determining the amount of your grant.


You cannot be referred to the Individual and Family Grant Program if you do not apply for a loan first or if you refuse to accept the loan when you are approved.

What if I still do not have enough to fix my home?

If it is determined that you still have unmet needs after the Individual and Family Grant Program awards you the maximum from both programs, you will be referred to the California Natural Disaster Assistance Program.

That program is administered by the Housing and Community Development Department and is a low-interest deferred loan program for homeowners. Payments can be deferred until the title to the property is transferred. The maximum loan is $30,000 and can be used to repair or rebuild your primary residence. You must complete a separate application for this loan.

You may also be referred to the American Red Cross, which may be able to assist in some housing repairs.

What if I rent my home rather than own it?

Assistance may be available from your renter’s insurance policy to cover additional living expenses. The Disaster Housing Program is also available to renters.

Your renter’s insurance may cover content damage. You should contact the insurance company to file a claim. In addition, the SBA can also approve loans of up to $20,000 for personal property damage, and, if you are eligible, the Individual and Family Grant Program can award grants for personal property.


How long is this process going to take?

The length varies considerably and depends on your situation, your insurance companies and the programs you pursue.
