
SOUTH COUNTY : 3rd Human Services Conference Today

If it moves, grows, needs financial assistance, plays ball or takes the bus, chances are it will be discussed at the South Orange County Human Services conference today.

The broad range of South County lifestyles will be the focus of the third annual event, which will be held at the Dana Point Resort from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The cost for attending is $40, which includes lunch.

Over 150 South County-based human service agencies will be involved, along with many speakers and panelists.


Those attending will include city officials, educators, law enforcement representatives, youth groups and people concerned about quality of life in South County.

There will be 10 workshops held during the day. Subjects include substance abuse, arts and culture, health, housing, community safety, economics, education, natural environment, recreation and transportation.

The featured speakers will be Robert F. Gentry, Laguna Beach councilman and former mayor; Dr. Melvyn Sterling, president of the Orange County Medical Assn.; and Rusty Kennedy, director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission.


The event is sponsored by the South Orange County Community Services Council.

For more information, call (714) 364-6636.
