
Consuls General to Attend Trade Forum

In an effort to boost the Ventura County economy, the World Affairs Council is sponsoring a forum to bring together local business people with trade representatives from about 50 countries, organizers said.

Cindy Cook, executive director of the council, said the consuls general or their representatives are expected to attend from countries all over the world, including Mexico, Germany, Argentina, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Israel, Sweden, Brazil and Monaco.

“The push right now is toward the global market and creating high-tech jobs with products that can be used as exports,” Cook said. “We’re looking at that as a way to help the California economy.”


The second annual forum, which will be held Nov. 16 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library near Simi Valley, will feature formal presentations from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. by about 15 local businesses. Other companies will display their products.

After the presentations, the businesses and consuls general will tour the library. A reception and buffet dinner, which is open to the public, will follow from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Tickets for the dinner cost $60 for non-members and $35 for members. The council, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that offers programs on foreign and domestic relations, charges $35 for a membership.


For information, call 648-1882.
