
Pediatric AIDS

* I am writing in response to “Hearing Focuses on Spread of AIDS Among Latinos” (Oct. 21). HIV/AIDS is indeed increasing rapidly within the Latin community.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, as of July, 1992, Latino children accounted for 24.4% of total reported pediatric AIDS cases, although they represented only 13% of the nation’s children. This disproportionate number of cases within the Latino community must sound an alarm for us, and serve as a call to action.

As your article stated, “Part of the problem is that warnings often are in English, rather than Spanish.” To combat that, and as a way to address the spread of this virus within the Latino community, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation recently produced its parent education program, “HIV/AIDS: A Challenge to Us All” in Spanish. This program, available in Spanish or English, is free by contacting the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, 1311 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, 90404.



Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Santa Monica
