
Gun Control and Violence

* In response to “Taming the Gun Monster: How Far to Go?” editorial, Oct. 22:

There is no justice in this country anymore, only politics. The media are ignoring the real problem--that the social experiment has failed--and focusing on absurdities, like what if we didn’t have any weapons in our society?

Well, sorry to burst your bubble but we do, and they are going to be around for a long time.

The law didn’t protect the victims of the Los Angeles riots, and now that racism has been institutionalized by our courts and directed against law-abiding citizens, I don’t think the majority will be hopping on your anti-gun bandwagon.


Things are going to get a lot worse, before they get any better. It’s time we protect ourselves because no one else can protect us from the bad guys, and for that guns are needed!


Long Beach


I am in complete agreement with your first editorial on gun violence (Oct. 15) and your stand in favor of a near total ban on handguns and assault weapons, but I was disappointed to read your second editorial in which several sections seem to reflect the belief that if only there were some way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, then guns wouldn’t be so bad. The fact is people with no previous criminal record are doing just as much shooting as criminals. According to the 1992 FBI Uniform Crime Report, the majority of all homicides committed in the United States occur as a result of an argument between two people who know each other--not in the course of a crime. Others are committed by non-criminals who simply “lose it,” as in the San Francisco office tower killings and the wounding of three physicians at LAC/USC hospital, myself one of them. And, of course, criminals can hardly be blamed for the 12,000 yearly handgun-related suicides or the 1,500 yearly handgun-related accidental deaths.

Gun violence is not a crime issue, rather it is a social issue. Handguns (and assault rifles) should be banned not only because there is no way to keep them out of the hands of criminals, but also because there is no way to keep them out of the hands of the non-criminals who will abuse them.



Los Angeles


Finally a voice of reason in the sea of gun madness that has gripped this country. Half-measures to control guns do not work, as the soaring death and assault rate due to guns proves. Only by creating a near total federal ban on the production and sale of handguns and assault weapons, coupled with heavy federal jail time for the possession of an illegal weapon, can we stem the “gun culture” that is prevailing in this country as demonstrated by Hollywood movies, television violence and constant news stories about drive-by shootings and slain tourists.

Gun control opponents often argue that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Hogwash. Guns allow people to kill indiscriminately, often hitting innocent bystanders, children or employees who happen to be in the wrong place. When was the last time you ever heard about a drive-by stabbing? By totally eliminating handguns and assault weapons in this country, our schools and streets will be safer, our emergency rooms will be less crowded and our populace and the families of police officers will sleep sounder at night.


Los Angeles


With the shortage of police officers, a very slow response time, a weak criminal justice system, a shortage of prisons and thousands of black market and stolen guns already in the hands of dangerous criminals, it is an absolutely crazy idea to prohibit guns for law-abiding civilians.


The best way to reduce violent crime, including carjackings, drive-by shootings, rape, muggings, etc., would be to issue enough concealed gun permits to enough armed citizens to make up for the shortage of police officers.




There is an old truism: A society has the criminals it deserves. (Compare: Orange County, so far this year, had 150 homicides; England, in 1990: 22.) And this most assuredly includes the American Rifle Assn.


Laguna Beach


Should we ban all automobiles, all knives, forks, get rid of all steel tools, baseball bats, rocks, hammers, everything and anything that might prove fatal to someone when used as a weapon? How about physical force without the use of weapons? Are we going to rid society of strong muscles because someone might get hurt? How about teaching respect for ourselves and our fellow man from birth, and respect for the tools we have? Unfortunately some people are naturally violent, and with guns or without guns there is violence. Don’t take away the freedom of all. Banning all guns is not the answer.


Los Angeles


Thank you so much for your editorials regarding gun control. I agree wholeheartedly. In addition, I would propose that all guns recovered from crimes be destroyed as soon as possible. In addition, guns returned in turn-in programs should also be destroyed. You are right in stating that the framers of the Second Amendment did not intend what we have today.


