
Special Kmart:

Attention, shoppers.

The new Kmart to open in November in Tustin is part of Troy, Mich.-based Kmart Corp.’s ongoing, $3-billion nationwide renewal and expansion program.

The Tustin Kmart will incorporate “fresh surroundings, wider aisles, modern displays and quality merchandise for the entire family,” spokeswoman Michelle DeLand said. The 104,231-square-foot store will feature a pharmacy, an enclosed garden shop, a portrait studio, an optical department and a Little Caesar’s Pizza Station.

Kmart plans to expand 700 stores nationwide and open as many as 100 new stores annually through 1995. The renewal program will add 35 million square feet of selling space to the chain. More than 300 stores will be added, 620 will be enlarged, and 1,200 will be refurbished.


--Compiled by Greg Johnson Times staff writer
