
Proposition 168

* It was appalling to see the article, in which the author refers to gay men and lesbians as “sexual deviants.” This expression of bigotry, based on misinformation, has no place in a general circulation publication. The Times itself does not use this phrase in its own news pages, presumably because such a disrespectful and offensive term is not based on current knowledge. The American Psychological Assn. has, for nearly two decades, considered homosexuality per se the normal sexual orientation for many people, not a deviance.

That The Times would present an open expression of bigotry toward gays and lesbians as a responsible opinion only goes to show that homophobia is still a socially acceptable prejudice. If a writer had submitted an opinion article referring to persons of color as “genetically inferior,” I am sure the piece would not be accepted for publication, because the phrase suggests bigotry and disrespect. The phrase “sexual deviant” ought to be similarly unacceptable.


Los Angeles

* Bob Jones IV presents a distorted picture of the relationship between the entertainment industry and Christianity. He omits the fact that in spite of widespread pressure for more pluralism in the arts, Hollywood coddles the Christian faith by granting it an “exclusive” as its sole source for blasphemy and profanity!



Los Angeles
