
SIMI VALLEY : Recreation Brochure Goes Out This Week

Simi Valley residents should receive in the mail this week a listing of fall classes and activities offered by the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District, officials said Monday.

The four-color letter-size brochure lists the district’s recreation programs which begin Sept. 20. The schedule includes monthly youth dances, fun runs, Red Cross classes, cooking and reading instruction and storybook theater, officials said.

More than 150 classes are featured in the brochure, which also is available at the Sycamore Drive Community Center, the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Simi Valley Library.


A small registration fee is charged, depending upon the class, officials said.

Mail-in registration began Monday and runs through Sept. 10, officials said. Walk-in registrations will be accepted between Sept 13-20.

To receive additional information or to have a brochure mailed out, call 584-4400.
