
Blue Moon Won’t Shine on Everyone

Lovers separated by many miles may find some comfort in knowing that tonight’s full moon will be a blue moon in many parts of the world, an event that occurs, well, once in a blue moon--actually every 2.72 years.

When there are two full moons in the same month, the second one is referred to as a “blue moon.” This month’s first full moon appeared Aug. 2. The last blue moon was Dec. 31, 1990, and the next one will be in July, 1996.

“In one century there are, on average, 1,236.83 full moons; of those, 36.83 are blue moons,” according to astronomer John Mosley of the Griffith Observatory. “Just under 3% of all full moons.”


Tonight’s full moon is August’s second full moon in North and South America. The moon will reach full phase at 2:33 a.m. Universal Time Sept. 1, which, because of time zone changes, corresponds to 7:33 tonight on the West Coast. So in other parts of the world--including Europe, Africa and the Middle East--September will be the month with two full moons, on Sept. 1 and 30. For information on other celestial events, call the Griffith Observatory’s sky report (213) 663-8171.


* Kidspace Museum in Pasadena closes out the month with workshops for children ages 4 and older on “Animal Tales,” at 2 and 3 p.m. today. On Friday, the county Natural History Museum’s Ralph M. Parsons Insect Zoo will pay a visit to Kidspace to introduce children to the insect world in workshops at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Call (818) 449-9144.

* Nursery Nature Walks staff members will lead hikes for families with young children at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in Temescal Canyon, at 10 a.m. Thursday in Malibu Lagoon and 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Chantry Flats. Reservations are required; call (310) 364-3591.



* “Images of Africa,” an exhibition of drawings and paintings of African wildlife by Lindsay B. Scott, will be on display through Jan. 9 at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Call (805) 682-4711.
