
PLATFORM : Traffic Stopper

<i> CHRIS KNOX has been a Los Angeles County deputy sheriff for nine years. He works on patrol out of the Lomita station. He told The Times:</i>

There has been much talk about community policing, and I agree that it is a fine idea, having practiced it for years.

My philosophy of policing is that I help people and in a general sense, help society. I help people by taking a police report, finding a lost child, assisting a stranded motorist, and sometimes by taking someone to jail. I can’t save the world, but I can do my part.

Many people complain that peace officers write too many traffic citations. They say, “Why aren’t you out arresting criminals?” According to the California attorney general’s office, there are more deaths, injuries and economic losses resulting from traffic collisions than from all other areas of police responsibility. Traffic enforcement is important because it decreases the number of collisions, and the deaths and injuries.


Also, many times criminals violate provisions of the California Vehicle Code, which brings them to our attention. A traffic stop is initiated, and the officer discovers that the driver or the passengers have violated other laws, or finds evidence of a crime. This may lead to an arrest and prevent other people from becoming victims.
