
VENTURA : 4 Get Probation in Grafitti Vandalism

Four of the five young men from the Oxnard area who were charged in Ventura’s worst case of graffiti vandalism pleaded guilty Friday and were placed on probation.

A fifth adult charged in the case, Julio Montez, 18, tried to plead guilty to a single count of conspiracy to commit acts of vandalism but had not completed the proper paperwork. He is expected to enter the plea next week.

Seven juveniles were also charged in the case, officials said.

Pleading guilty Friday were Richard Avila, Luis Simental, Augusto Jurado and Richard Lopez, all 18.


One defense attorney said each defendant will be on probation for three to five years. As a condition of probation, they must make restitution to the victims.

Superior Court Judge Charles R. McGrath said the defendants attacked the property of more than 100 victims and caused damage in excess of $10,000.

Ventura police have said the defendants belonged to rival tagging crews. They spray-painted businesses and homes along Main Street as part of a contest.


Attorney Philip R. Dunn, who represented Avila, said the taggers are not “gang members or serious criminals.”
