
VAN NUYS : Molestation Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

A Boy Scout volunteer from Van Nuys pleaded not guilty Friday to two felony counts of molesting a 4-year-old family member.

Authorities said the charges against Richard Heintz, 37, are unrelated to his work with the scouting organization, but the Boy Scouts of America has barred Heintz from participating in any scouting activities.

In an Aug. 18 letter, Heintz was informed that he was suspended from scouting “as a precaution to our young people,” said Hugh Travis, the executive director of the Western Los Angeles County Council of the Boy Scouts of America.


Heintz, who has worked to organize activities in the Boy Scouts for about one year, is charged with molesting the young boy on two occasions between July 29 and Aug. 9 at his Van Nuys residence.

“The allegation is that he sodomized his (relative),” said Deputy Dist. Atty. David Mintz.

Heintz, who is being held in lieu of $100,000 bail, is scheduled to next appear in court Sept. 8 for a preliminary hearing.
