
IRVINE : Police Go Public Via Speakers Bureau

Police officials are hoping to fight crime and raise public awareness by stepping out of their patrol cars and standing in front of the podium.

The department recently formed a speakers bureau to provide neighborhood associations, service groups and other community organizations with police officers who can talk on a variety of crime issues ranging from burglaries to homicides.

“It could be a women’s group wanting information on rape awareness or a group of teen-agers who want to know about the Explorers program,” said Sgt. Steve Frew, coordinator of the bureau. “We’ll send the people who are best qualified to speak on the subject.”


Frew said the department seeks to work with organizations to select speakers and topics that will most benefit the audience.

For example, a homeowners group might receive a talk on preventing residential burglaries, while a business association might hear about the dangers of computer fraud and white-collar crime, Frew said.

For more information about the program, call (714) 724-7103.
