

In an Aug. 1 letter about Robert Elegant’s article (“A World of Change in China,” July 11), K. C. Wu called it “. . . a very informative article . . .” I think it was “misinformative.”

Of a nit-picking nature, Elegant recommends the Hua Ting Sheraton in Shanghai. If this were as late as last autumn, I would have agreed, but over the winter the Sheraton instituted two price changes for a total increase of about 90%.

This brought the room rate up to the top hotels in Shanghai, but with the deterioration in service, which also happened (at that time), with no free breakfast and the out-of-the-way location, the Hua Ting Sheraton is simply not worth the price.


Of a more substantive nature, I resented the attitude in the article that one would be traveling in a political never-never land where people are quite repressed. Neither I nor others that I know who travel in China have the same feeling.



Letters to the Travel Editor should be brief and are subject to condensation. Send letter, including a telephone number, to: Travel Section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square , Los Angeles 90053.
