
Send Us Your Best Shot

Got a really great travel photo? As part of a redesigned Travel section debuting this fall, we are asking readers to submit their best photography. Each week, we will choose our favorite and publish it. (Right, photographer and Los Angeles Times contributor John Fung got a unique perspective on the Great Wall of China during a February 1992 visit. Fung is now attending college in Beijing.) Send either one color print or slide to: “My Best Shot,” Travel Section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Include a typed or printed description of what the photo shows, when and where it was taken, and why it is interesting. Photos can be humorous or dramatic, beautiful or poignant, portraits or landscapes, from a weekend cruise or a trek to Timbuktu. Please include name, address and telephone number. PLEASE NOTE: Photos can be returned ONLY if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. The Travel section cannot accept phone calls regarding photographs.
