
Anaheim Officer Is Not the Villain

* The U.S. Justice Department’s investigation of Anaheim Police Officer Lee Smith is a travesty of justice.

As a young police officer, I admired the way Officer Smith did his job.

Now that I have been an officer over 13 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of police officers from several different agencies. Rarely have I met one with Officer Smith’s pride, heart or sense of civic duty.

When a suspect--who could have complied peacefully--tries to snatch the officer’s gun; or leads them on a lengthy vehicular pursuit; or shoots at police; or arms himself and burglarizes the officer’s home, and Officer Smith protects innocent citizens, his partners and himself from said suspects, he deserves a handshake and a pat on the back, not a federal investigation.



Mission Viejo

David Moon is a Newport Beach police officer.
