
Representatives’ Forum on Illegal Immigrants

This Monday (Aug. 16), several of our congressmen conducted an outrageous spectacle. Carlos Moorhead chaired a mock hearing on illegal aliens. The event provided several Republican congressmen the opportunity to flaunt their Draconian ideology. For four hours, our elected representatives promoted their right-wing reactionary views. Our leaders would change the U.S. Constitution to promote their views; they have never-ending ideas about limiting access to health care; and they continually promote the image of the undocumented as undocumented criminals.

These congressional wizards of gridlock are looking for scapegoats to blame for our difficult economic times. They have sat in Congress for the past eight months and done nothing to benefit the California economy. They did not support the economic stimulus program we so badly need. They did not support a budget that made meaningful steps to reduce our deficit spending. And I am sure they are ready to try to undermine the health care reform that we do desperately need. Their only contribution seems to be spreading hate, fear, division and intolerance.

I hear all too often that we can’t afford it anymore, we don’t have the resources. Yet we also hear our people are our most important assets. Our civic leaders must understand that people are our most important resources. Government officials should not be trying to downsize our population, they should be developing an economy that is enriched by every available body.



