
Senate OKs Bill Requiring Data on Failure, Safety of Condoms

Times Staff Writer

Condom manufacturers would be required to provide information about safety tests and failure rates under legislation passed by the state Senate.

A 27-6 vote sent the bill (AB 1623) by Assemblywoman Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Rey) back to the Assembly for concurrence in Senate amendments. If approved, the bill would move to Gov. Pete Wilson’s desk.

The measure requires the state Department of Health Services to acquire the condom testing data from the federal Food and Drug Administration and make it available to the public.


“Anyone who walks into a drugstore and picks up a package of condoms off the shelf today is simply playing Russian roulette,” Bowen said. “They’re gambling with contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS--in effect, gambling with their lives.”


Floor Action

* Child Support: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 43-31 vote a bill (AB 1400) by Assemblyman Trice Harvey (R-Bakersfield) permitting courts to allow parents to phase in increased child support payments if it creates a financial hardship.

* State Lottery: Passed and sent to the governor on a 55-13 vote a bill (SB 884) by state Sen. Tim Leslie (R-Carnelian Bay) requiring legislative approval of new state lottery games.


Committee Action

* Sexual Relations: The Ways and Means Committee approved a bill (SB 22) by state Sen. Newton R. Russell (R-Glendale) making it illegal for an adult female to engage in sexual relations with a minor male. A 19-0 vote sent the bill to the Assembly floor.

* Female Athletes: The Ways and Means Committee approved a bill (SB 262) by state Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) requiring the number of athletes at each state college to reflect the percentage of full-time women undergraduate students enrolled at each campus by 1998-99. A 13-6 vote sent the bill to the Assembly floor.

* Cesar Chavez Holiday: The Governmental Organization Committee approved a bill (SB 1253) by state Sen. Art Torres (D-Los Angeles) designating March 31 as a state holiday in honor of the late Cesar Chavez, founder of the United Farm Workers union. A 9-3 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.


* Electric Automobiles: The Transportation Committee approved a bill (SB 668) by Hart providing a sales tax break to those who buy electric automobiles. A 9-6 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.


Floor Action

* Welfare Recipients: Passed on a 23-10 vote and returned to the Assembly for concurrence in amendments a bill (AB 88) by Assemblyman Willard H. Murray Jr. (D-Paramount) requiring county welfare departments to give applicants for Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) written information about sex education, AIDS, health risks of drug use during pregnancy, birth control devices and family planning services.

* Smoking Ban: Passed and sent to the governor on a 21-10 vote a bill (AB 615) by Assemblyman Mike Gotch (D-San Diego) prohibiting smoking in child day-care facilities.

Committee Action

* Business Tax Break: The Revenue and Taxation Committee rejected a bill (AB 1313) by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) exempting new manufacturing equipment from state sales taxes. The vote was 4-2, but five were required for approval. Reconsideration was granted.

* Spousal Rape: The Appropriations Committee approved a bill (AB 187) by Assemblywoman Hilda L. Solis (D-El Monte) requiring sentencing of spousal rapists to be similar to those of other rapists. A 13-0 vote sent the bill to the Senate floor.
