
OAK PARK : Time Limit for Meetings Is OKd

The board of the Oak Park Unified School District, worn down by meetings that sometimes last until after midnight, gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a plan that would limit its bimonthly sessions to three hours unless extended by a majority vote.

“I don’t think it would impair our very open way we allow community input,” board member Jim Kalember said.

The school board, which represents the small unincorporated community of Oak Park, is known for its informal sessions. Board members and audience members usually are well-acquainted.


“We do have a very, very relaxed atmosphere here,” member Pat Kavulic said.

Supt. Marilyn Lippiatt said the policy is fashioned after similar rules in other Ventura County school districts.

The policy was unanimously approved on first reading but must be voted on again at the next board meeting before it can take effect. According to the proposal, meetings would end at 10 p.m. unless a majority of board members agree to a 30-minute extension. Each subsequent extension would have to be voted upon.

Any items not completed would be carried over to the next board meeting or to a specially scheduled meeting.
