
Red Cross Says More Flood Help Needed

Just back from a trip to help Midwest flood victims, the head of disaster relief for the Ventura County chapter of the American Red Cross said that much work remains to be done to restore that area to normal.

Emergency Services Director Mike Goth spent four weeks in Hannibal, Mo., and reported that families returning to their formerly flooded-out homes are finding mud damage up to within one foot of the ceiling, said Brian Bolton, the agency’s executive director.

The local Red Cross also is seeking volunteer nurses and mental health workers to travel to the Midwest and help flood victims who are having health problems or unable to get necessary health products, Bolton said.


Under that arrangement, local nurse Mary Lyne of Oxnard will leave on Monday for Missouri, Bolton said. Her employer, the nonprofit Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Service, will pay Lyne’s salary. The Red Cross will pay travel and living costs.

In addition, the Red Cross announced Friday that the next training session for people who want to be volunteer disaster relief workers will be Sept. 18.
