
Hungarian Newspaper

* Your Aug. 8 article, “Hungarian-Language Paper Accused of Anti-Semitism,” has caused quite a stir in the local (Los Angeles) Hungarian community as well as in the local Hungarian-Jewish community, resulting in an unnecessary outcry. The article shows a very one-sided view of the relationship between the above communities, therefore creating an opportunity for generalizations. Namely, that anti-Semitism among Hungarians in general is rampant, which of course is not the case.

The writer unfortunately did not interview other people who could have provided a more objective view of this whole matter. Nor did he mention that the origin of the quoted article is in reply to a controversial statement issued by the chief rabbi in Budapest that started the whole escalation of events.

Hungary has the largest Jewish community in the eastern half of Europe (above 80,000). People of Jewish origin are to be found in high places in social, political and economic life.


The political program of the government denounces any intolerance and anti-Semitism. Its policies have won wide recognition in Israel, including recent statements by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Recent surveys conducted by Jewish organizations and study centers show that throughout Central and Eastern Europe anti-Semitic prejudices can be found in the lowest proportion in Hungary.

The Hungarian government has excellent relations with Israel, has been instrumental in Jewish emigration from Israel, and was one of the first to propose in the U.N. to repeal the resolution equating Zionism with racism.



Consul General of Hungary

Los Angeles

* The Hungarian community in Los Angeles is a diverse community, as are so many other ethnic groups in this city. Uj Vilag is only one of four Hungarian language newspapers published in Southern California, and the only one having anti-Jewish articles. Its circulation, despite the claimed 30,000 by Victor Molnar, is very small. In reality, it has very few subscribers, as the majority of the readers who received the publication before canceled their subscriptions after Molnar took it over.

Today, Uj Vilag carries a very isolated case within the Hungarian community: Its views are not shared at all by most of the Hungarians living in this country or in Hungary.

The Council of Hungarian Organizations in Southern California Inc., representing 27 local Hungarian churches, organizations, newspapers and distinguished professionals, distances itself from the weekly Uj Vilag, and its anti-Jewish and racist propaganda.



President, Council of Hungarian

Organizations in So. California
