
DIVERSITY WATCH : Asian Perspective

On Friday The Times published an extensive survey on Asian-Americans--what people as a whole think of them, and what Asian-Americans think of themselves. The results, based on interviews with 1,232 residents in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Ventura counties, should help us better understand the nation’s fastest-growing minority group.

Asian-Americans, of course, already know that they are no more homogeneous than the various nationalities of Europe.

They know that some Asian-Americans are industrious and are from close-knit families--and others are not.


They know that first- and second-generation Asian-Americans are more likely to keep to themselves than those who have been here longer.

They know a lot of jobs have glass ceilings for Asians, even though politically they are starting to come of age--themes specifically addressed this week in Los Angeles at the Asian American Journalists Assn. convention.

They know that, in this job-scarce economy, some who are struggling to make it resent Asian entrepreneurs and see them as scapegoats. They also know that not every Asian-American youngster goes to college.


But too few others know any of these things--or know much at all about Asian-Americans. Indeed, our poll showed that most Southern Californians think they need to know a lot more about Asian-American peoples and cultures. As all Southern Californians get to know each other better, the stereotypes will break down.
