
Behind the Scenes : Ritzy Setting Raises ‘Toast’ to a New Level for Some Young Professionals Against Cancer

“Toast on the Coast IV,” a Hawaiian-themed dinner-dance, lured 300 Young Professionals Against Cancer and their guests to a bluff overlooking the Pacific on Saturday. The event, held at the Ritz-Carlton in Dana Point, benefited the Orange County unit of the American Cancer Society.

Past “Toasts” were all casual affairs, causing some clothing confusion for this year. Some YPACers went the traditional hang-loose route, while others upgraded their attire with sequins or white dinner jackets because of the Ritzy local.

But glitz seemed out of place in a ballroom that had a Woody as its centerpiece. And outside, high-heeled guests created divots in the grass as they stumbled through the buffet line and to their tables to eat a Polynesian dinner illuminated by tiki lights.


Tropical shirts, breezy sarongs and other fine sand wear seemed appropriate. After all, leis were passed out at registration, and pig and poi were served at sunset.
