
Suit Alleges Singer Held Woman Captive : Courts: Rick James and his girlfriend are accused of assault and false imprisonment in a 1992 incident at a West Hollywood hotel.


A 34-year-old West Hollywood woman has filed suit against singer Rick James, alleging that he and his girlfriend held her captive and assaulted her in a tony West Hollywood hotel.

Mary Sauger filed suit Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court seeking unspecified damages from James, his girlfriend, Tanya Anne Hijazi, and the St. James’s Club Hotel on allegations of assault, battery, false imprisonment and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

James is facing similar criminal charges in San Fernando Superior Court stemming from the alleged Nov. 2, 1992, incident. Charges against Hijazi were reduced in exchange for her pleading guilty to a single count of assault with a deadly weapon.


Prior to a preliminary hearing last December, Sauger sent a note to the court saying she preferred to resolve the matter through civil rather than criminal proceedings. But prosecutors refused to drop the charges and forced Sauger to testify.

James’ attorney, Mark J. Werksman, questioned Sauger’s motives in filing suit against James.

“Obviously she is in this for the money,” Werksman said. “Because of the timing, you have to wonder if she is trying to influence a jury.”


James is also facing charges stemming from an alleged incident July 16, 1991, at James’ residence in the Hollywood Hills above Studio City in which he allegedly burned a woman with a hot cocaine pipe and then forced the woman to have oral sex with Hijazi.

Similar charges against Hijazi were dropped as part of the plea agreement in the other case.

The alleged victim in the 1991 incident had also filed suit against James seeking $15 million in damages, but it was dismissed after the woman repeatedly failed to appear for depositions.
