
DANA POINT : Building Guidelines Available for Review

City construction standards ranging from exterior appearance of a structure to the kind of building materials that go into a house or commercial building can be reviewed by the public at two locations.

The Dana Point design guidelines can be reviewed at City Hall, 33282 Golden Lantern, or at the Dana Niguel Library, 33841 Niguel Road.

“The guidelines are designed and intended to promote high-quality design that is sensitive to Dana Point’s natural setting and community goals by recommending desired design principles to developers and builders,” said Ed Knight, city community development director.


The standards are applied to new building projects by the City Council, Planning Commission and Community Development Department.

Guidelines cover such design elements as architectural character, pedestrian access, traffic and parking lot circulation, landscaping and building materials.

“The guidelines are not regulatory in that they mandate design but provide guidance and direction on desirable types of design that will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis,” Knight said.
