
CAMARILLO : Fund-Raiser to Take Place at Family Ranch

The Pleasant Valley Historical Society’s decision to hold its annual fundraising barbecue at the Camarillo family ranch may seem a perfect fit--a group dedicated to preserving Camarillo’s heritage at the home of the city’s founder.

But some society board members said the choice of venue for the event, which will be held Sunday, was practical rather than inspired.

“It’s a place we can go and not get charged,” society board member Leila Breeze said.

And Barbara Fulkerson, publicity chairwoman for the society, said the Camarillo home has another advantage: “It’s a big draw.”


The society began holding its annual barbecues, which raise money for the Pleasant Valley Historical Museum, about 10 years ago at the Camarillo home on Mission Oaks Boulevard.

Built by Camarillo’s founder, Adolfo Camarillo, the house is occupied by the family of Bert Lamb, great-grandson of Adolfo, and is the site of many local fund-raisers.

This year the party, which will be held on the lawn, will last from 1:30 to 6 p.m.

Tickets are $22.50 for adults and $11.25 for children under 12.

Although the admission price is high, the barbecue is not a big moneymaker for the historical society, Fulkerson said.


In addition to renting tables and buying beef for the rotisserie, Fulkerson said the society also has to give free dinners to the big-band jazz orchestra: “And there’s 20 of them plus their wives.”

One purpose of the barbecue is to name the 12 men and women who are being honored by the historical society this year for their contributions to the community.

But the event also aims to heighten the profile of the society and the museum on Las Posas Road.


“It’s good public relations so people know that the historical society is around here,” Fulkerson said. “A lot of people don’t even know we have a museum in town.”

For more information call Breeze at 484-9995.
