
Oxnard Schools Score Turnaround in SAT Averages


The Oxnard Union High School District has made a dramatic turnaround in Scholastic Aptitude Test scores this year, exceeding the state average in the verbal portion and almost equaling it in math.

Students in the district averaged 483 in math, an improvement of 23 points from a year ago, and scored an average of 417 in the verbal portion of the standardized exam for college-bound seniors, a gain of seven points.

Figures released this week by the College Board showed that average math scores in the state remained the same at 484, while verbal scores dropped a point to 415. Nationwide, average scores went up two points in math to 478 and one in verbal to 424. A perfect score on each section is 800.


“I thought we’d have an improvement in math, but 23 points is a quantum leap,” Supt. Bill Studt said Thursday. “I’m surprised it went up that far.”

Camarillo High School led the district, with results in both categories exceeding the state and national averages: 534 in math and 462 in verbal. Hueneme High made the biggest gain in math, jumping 37 points to 429, but still was well below state and national averages.

“For a district with our socioeconomic background, we’ve always been respectable,” said Oxnard Union school board member Steve Stocks. “This year we’re more respectable, but the real proof of the pudding is whether we can stay up two or three years in a row.”


Assistant Supt. Gary Davis credited the gains to a districtwide emphasis on writing skills, the acquisition of improved math, science and English textbooks, and to “our strong teachers in our college prep curriculum.”

This year, 556 students in the district took the tests--69 fewer than a year ago. Davis said the district “made sure the appropriate students took the tests,” a move that may have helped raise the scores by eliminating students not bound for college, whose scores might have pulled down the district averages.

Of the eight other districts in Ventura County, only Fillmore Unified scored under national and state averages in both math and verbal, while districts in Moorpark, Ventura, Ojai, Oak Park, Simi Valley and the Conejo Valley were higher than state and national averages in the two categories. The Santa Paula district fell short of national averages on both portions of the test, while equaling the state average on verbal.


At Fillmore High, which traditionally has received low test scores, the 55 students who took the SAT averaged 357 in verbal, down seven points, and 439 in math, an increase of six points.

“I’m not surprised that verbal is low,” Fillmore Principal Lynn Johnson said. “For many of our students, English is their second language. But I think we can do better.”

Santa Paula High made a significant improvement in verbal scores, rising 18 points to 415. Although math scores fell by a point to 454 and remain well under state and national figures, Principal Sandra Barbier was pleased with the overall results, considering her school typically has not fared well on the SAT.

“This shows we’re holding our ground in math and improving in verbal,” she said. “I think the trend will continue.”

East county school districts continue to rank well above state and national averages in both math and verbal.

Oak Park High School, in the Oak Park Unified School District, made the biggest overall jump among east county schools, averaging 533 in math, an increase of 13 points, and 462 in verbal, a 21-point rise.


“We’re teaching our kids to be critical thinkers and problem solvers,” said Jeff Chancer, principal at the 530-student school. “That’s the key.”

Moorpark High also made impressive gains, going up 19 points in math and eight in verbal.

“Our curriculum has been in development for several years now,” Principal Cary Dritz said. “It’s designed to help kids achieve their goals.”

Despite the importance of the scores in getting into college, educators emphasized that SAT results do not necessarily indicate the quality of education at a high school. Nor should differences in results from one year to the next be given much significance, they say.

“Whether scores are up or down is not a good indicator of the general health of the school,” said Charles Weis, Ventura County superintendent of schools. “Don’t over-interpret the SAT. We see the scores as a mosaic. Up or down, there’s probably a different explanation for it at each school.”

SAT Scores in Ventura County

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal State 484 416 484 415 National 476 423 478 424

Conejo Valley Unified

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Newbury Park High School 521 445 520 440 Thousand Oaks High School 542 477 550 475 Westlake High School 528 456 530 454 DISTRICT 532 461 536 459

Fillmore Unified School District

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Fillmore High School 433 364 439 357

Moorpark Unified

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Moorpark High School 498 432 517 440

Oak Park Unified

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Oak Park High School 520 441 533 462

Ojai Unified

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Nordhoff High School 478 427 494 446

Oxnard Union

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Camarillo High School 513 454 534 464 Channel Islands High School 445 369 438 379 Hueneme High School 392 356 429 368 Oxnard High School 445 422 486 415 Rio Mesa High School 459 417 480 417 DISTRICT 460 410 483 417


Santa Paula Union

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Santa Paula High School 455 397 454 415

Simi Valley Unified

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Simi Valley High School 501 425 520 434 Royal High School 509 418 493 425 DISTRICT 505 421 NA NA

Ventura Unified

1991-92 1992-93 Math Verbal Math Verbal Ventura High School 494 437 472 413 Buena High School 524 457 508 460 DISTRICT 510 447 492 440

NA: Not available

Sources: School districts; College Board.
