
Josh Lee

* I am the attorney for Josh Daniel Lee. I was somewhat upset when I read the July 27 article, “Saugus Couple Implicated in White Supremacist Probe,” leading off with “As they were charging eight suspected white supremacists with federal weapon offenses 12 days ago. . . .” Among the “eight arrested 12 days ago” was Josh Lee, who was never charged with being a suspected white supremacist and is not, in actual fact, a white supremacist. I have spoken to responsible officials, both in the U.S. attorney’s office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who have told me that Josh appeared “disgusted and turned-off” when a young undercover FBI agent, long after the event allegedly involving Josh took place, gave him some white supremacist literature.

My dismay and frustration was compounded incalculably when I read your editorial in the same issue which states that Josh Lee was charged with supplying “ . . . illegal weapons out of his home to members of the Fourth Reich Skinheads, the hate group that allegedly planned to inflame racial tensions in Los Angeles by attacking African-Americans and Jews.”

The editorial also goes on to state that Josh obtained a federal firearms dealer’s license--allowing him to ship and receive large amounts of firearms and ammunition. I am aware, and I am certain your paper is also aware, that Josh did not engage in such activity even though the license would have allowed him to do so. However, how many of your readers could understand that subtle distinction but would read those words as an assertion of fact.


When I was a youngster my father told me not to believe anything I read in the newspaper except the ball scores and then only if I was at the ballgame through the last out. I am sorry that this is still true.


Los Angeles
