
THE GOOD LIFE: If you prefer the...

THE GOOD LIFE: If you prefer the VIP treatment at hockey games, you’re in luck at the new Anaheim Arena. For $69,000 to $94,000 a year, your company can still get a luxury suite, for 10 to 14 people. It’s good for all Mighty Ducks home games, of course, plus all other arena events. A spokeswoman says about 20 of the 84 suites are left. . . . Club seats still are available too, at $5,800 to $6,800. More leg room, and you get your own waiter.

CELL WALK: A team of outside inspectors ends a four-day inspection of Orange County’s jail facilities today, looking into persistent concerns about overcrowding and inmate violence. . . . “These are some of the best corrections experts in the country,” says attorney Dick Herman, who has made a career of suing over local jail conditions. “We’re thrilled that they are there.” The consultants will report to U.S. District Judge Gary L. Taylor.

LIFE FORCE: When the National Down’s Syndrome Congress begins its annual convention in Anaheim on Aug. 27 (E1), a star attraction will be speaker Chris Burke, the young actor with Down’s syndrome from ABC’s family drama “Life Goes On.” . . . . Burke has been something of a hero at similar talks. “He walks into the conference and the kids go crazy,” says Judi Marshall of Huntington Beach, whose 5-year-old daughter has Down’s syndrome. “They chase after him; I mean, this is a big deal for them.”


NEW LOTTERY GAME: The city of Fountain Valley and the Olson Co. developers have no sales worries at their new joint “affordable” townhouse project. Some 120 families applied for the townhomes at Heil Avenue and Harbor Boulevard, to be ready in October. And 50 met federal standards for affordable housing. The only fair way to choose, officials say, is by luck of the draw. The lucky 24 will be drawn Saturday at noon at the project. Says an Olson Co. spokesman: “We haven’t seen real estate sell this quickly for some time.”
