
LOS ALAMITOS : Adult-Oriented Businesses Restricted

The City Council this week adopted an emergency ordinance that would restrict new adult-oriented businesses from opening while the city tries to draft a permanent ordinance.

The council on Monday unanimously approved the ordinance, which takes effect immediately and will be valid for 45 days.

Council members said they were concerned with the growing number of adult-related businesses in the county. Although there are no pending applications in Los Alamitos, the city should be prepared, the council said.


Under the emergency ordinance, the city will not accept applications for such businesses as adult bookstores, strip clubs, peep shows, massage parlors and adult motels and hotels unless they meet guidelines. For instance, they cannot be within 300 feet of a church, school, park or residential area. In addition, they must be at least 500 feet apart from a similar business.

Several Orange County cities, including Stanton, Anaheim and Newport Beach, have seen court challenges to their ordinances regulating adult-oriented businesses.

Los Alamitos officials said they have to make sure that the ordinance complies with First Amendment guarantees of freedom of expression while meeting the needs of the community.


Assistant City Manager Gerard Goedhart said there is no adult-oriented business in Los Alamitos. But, he said, city officials have received some inquiries.

“This could be the wave of the future,” he said, referring to adult-oriented businesses.
