
LOS ANGELES : Riordan Appoints 21 to City Commissions

Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan on Friday appointed 21 more city commissioners to panels overseeing animal care, building codes, Civil Service rules, cultural affairs and pension funds.

Appointees to the Animal Regulation Commission include two former members of the panel, Pat Bercel and Mimi Robins; Lynne Exe, a member of Mercy Crusade, and Ellen Stein, a former schoolteacher who has been active in the the Pet Orphan Program.

Civil Service Commission appointees include Susan McLaine Bernfield, former co-chair of the Riordan for Mayor Women’s Advisory Council; Joe Gelman, government liaison for Jewish community activist Lawrence Weinberg; and James Patrick Mulkeen, who oversees labor law for Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. The appointees require council confirmation.
