
COSTA MESA : Pool Club Gets City Permit for Dancing

Despite protests from a handful of residents, owners of the Shark Club received unanimous City Council approval to allow dancing at the club’s Baker Street pool hall.

Some nearby residents claim that allowing a dance floor at the club will bring noise and parking problems to their neighborhood.

“If the Shark Club wants to become a nightclub, let them go to an area that allows it,” said Karen Watkins, who recently bought a home on Baker Street. “We don’t want a nightclub in our neighborhood.”


To bolster her case, Watkins presented a petition signed by 42 residents opposing the dance floor. She took her complaints to the council after the city Planning Commission decided last month in favor of the club.

However, the council sided with the Planning Commission and Shark Club owner Jon Hanour, who said he had worked in the past to alleviate any problems that residents had with noise and parking and would continue to do so, if the dance floor was allowed.

“I think you have demonstrated in the past that you want to be a good neighbor,” said Councilman Jay Humphrey. “I look forward to you continuing your good neighbor policy.”


The request comes two years after the owners of the club originally asked for a dancing permit, then dropped the request because of resident opposition. Some of the initial opponents changed their minds this time.

“I thought I knew what would happen when this place opened, but I have been proven wrong again and again,” said John Shed, who owns a business next to the club. “If they can’t operate a dance floor in a professional manner, I will be the first to object.”

The permit allows dancing at the club seven nights a week. Hanour said it was needed to stay competitive with other pool halls in the area that offer dancing.


In addition, Hanour said he has worked out an agreement with Shed to use a portion of his parking, bringing the total number of available parking spaces up to 250.
