
Libraries Are Fading Without a Whimper

Our libraries and the services offered by them have diminished, and it appears that no one cares. Library hours are cut in half, magazine subscriptions will not be renewed and new books will not be available because there is no money to buy them.

The Weldon Canyon dump controversy resulted in screaming headlines, massive indignation from celebrities, bumper stickers, T-shirts and benefit concerts. The “dumping” of library services has resulted in restricting the availability of knowledge.

The variety of information available in the public libraries can enrich all of our lives and we are letting it go--without a whimper, without a protest, without a fund-raising benefit concert headlined by rock and movie stars. If the public is not careful, reading and access to information will eventually become the sole property of those that can afford it.


Those that can’t afford to buy knowledge will be funneled into the Library Canyon Dump--the dump of the uninformed and uneducated majority.



