
MOORPARK : Council to Consider Permit-Only Parking

Hoping to address a chronic crowding problem by limiting the number of vehicles parked on city streets, the Moorpark City Council tonight will consider an ordinance that could lead to permit-only parking in some areas.

Under terms of the ordinance, developed by Councilmen Pat Hunter and John Wozniak, the council would consider imposing the restrictions in specific neighborhoods if the move was requested by a homeowner association or if at least 10% of the area residents signed a petition.

In either case, the council would schedule a public hearing to hear from residents, then make a final decision on the matter.


If the ordinance were activated in an area, each residence would be limited to two street-parking permits at a cost of about $25, Wozniak said. Since most residents would be able to keep two cars in a garage and two cars in a driveway, the ordinance would--in most cases--actually cap the number of vehicles associated with any one home at six, he said.

As proposed, the restrictions would be in effect between 2 and 6 a.m., Wozniak said.

The permit-parking program is a result of consistent urging by residents that the council address the problems caused by crowded homes, which are particularly prevalent in the older, downtown area.

Hunter said the most difficult question he and Wozniak faced in drafting the ordinance was how to address the problem without unfairly limiting the activities of residents. He said Tuesday that he believes the suggested restrictions were a good middle ground.


The council will consider the proposal at its 7 p.m. meeting in City Hall, 799 Moorpark Ave.
