
Obituaries : Services Set for Retired Judge Barrett

A funeral service will be held Friday at 4 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena for retired Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Newell Barrett.

Barrett, who retired in 1980 but continued to sit on the bench in various jurisdictions, died Sunday on Vashon Island in Washington, where he had retired. He was 76.

He graduated from Boalt Hall law school at UC Berkeley after years of wartime service. He began as a volunteer ambulance driver for the American Field Service and ended up with the British forces in North Africa in the months before the United States entered World War II.


He began practicing law in Pasadena, Los Angeles and Sierra Madre and in 1960 was named to the Municipal Court bench by then-Gov. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown. Barrett was named to the Superior Court bench in 1963.

After retiring in 1980, he sat as an arbitrator and a judge on assignment.

Barrett is survived by his wife, Mildred, and three children.
