
SAN FERNANDO : Uniforms Made an Option at 3rd Valley School

In response to strong backing from parents, San Fernando Elementary School will join at least two other public schools in the San Fernando Valley in making uniforms an option for its 1,100 students.

Parents, who are especially concerned about their children wearing clothing and colors associated with area gangs, voted in favor last week of encouraging students to don blue and white uniforms starting in September.

“We want to get away from the gang affiliation” of Los Angeles Raiders outfits and the color black, said Juanita Campos, the parent of a third grader and coordinator of the school’s parent center.


Campos said parents also expressed concerns about the high cost of regular clothing during an advisory council meeting at the school attended by more than 100 people. The cost of the uniforms ranges from $7.99 for a pair of boys shorts to $29.99 for a girls jumper and T-shirt.

“I think you’re saving a lot of money,” said Susie Hernandez, who plans to outfit her three children, including a preschooler, in uniforms. “I’m real supportive of it.”

Under the state Education Code, public schools cannot require that students wear uniforms. Several schools in Los Angeles have adopted policies encouraging the use of uniforms, including Camelia Elementary in North Hollywood and Vaughn Elementary in Pacoima, district officials said.


Campos, who plans to buy a uniform for her 8-year-old daughter, sees another benefit to pushing uniformity in dress.

“It gives students a sense of pride, a sense of belonging,” she said.
